Friday, July 12, 2024 Jumps Through the Looking Glass, one of those "Champions of democracy" on the left, is now struggling with a problem.

What if the democratic process results in a Donald Trump victory? As a result, it's now questioning whether the millions of Democratic voters who cast their ballots in the primaries for Joe Biden - in free and open primaries - should have their voices silenced by an elite cabal because of an increasing fear that Biden will lose to Trump.

Here's how the alleged "Explanatory journalism" site's senior politics correspondent Andrew Prokop put it earlier this week: But should the votes of the 15 million people who voted in Democratic primaries earlier this year be the be-all end-all for what represents 'democracy'? Perhaps the party deliberating over and choosing a different option is its own form of democracy in action.

Perhaps siccing the Justice Dept on a political opponent, or stripping his name off state ballots or, heck, canceling the November elections entirely until Democrats can ensure victory are other forms of "Democracy in action." Political parties can choose their nominees however they wish.

What does it say about a party that built an entire campaign around "Saving our democracy" to then casually toss democratic norms aside when they don't serve its immediate needs? What does it say about sycophantic journalists who turn a blind eye to the hypocrisy?

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