Friday, July 12, 2024

California Crime, 250,000 Jobs Missing, ‘Eco-Theology’ … And More

 Baltimore bridge collapse survivor recounts fighting for his life — Politico

White House gives shocking response when asked if Biden would deal with a nuclear attack after 8pm — Daily Mail

Trump First Presidential Candidate in History to Endorse ‘Universal School Choice’ — Committee to Unleash Prosperity

Global temperature trend fallacy and folly — Steve Milloy, Junk Science (video)

Don’t ‘Reform’ Social Security, Markets Already Privatized It — John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

Why The Elections In France And The U.K. Are Bad News — Steve Forbes (video)

Biden and Trump Are Both Disastrously Wrong About Tariffs — John Stossel, Reason

Dems: Facing The Abyss Inside The Abyss — Power Line

What the New California Crime Stats Show — Steve Smith, Pacific Research Institute

How progressives ruined California — Joel Kotkin, Sp!ked (video)

Corporations Have Already Paid Massive Taxes. Bring the Rate to Zero — Parkview Institute

The Difference Between a Good Man and a Saint — Crisis

Religious Groups, DoorDash Worked Together to Feed Americans — Deseret News

‘Eco-Theology’: The Latest Departure From The Faith — Harbinger’s Daily

Home Invasion Illustrates Why Gun Control Is Stupid — Bearing Arms

Joe Biden Is A Good Man? Please Don’t Insult Our Intelligence

Now They’re Gaslighting Us About Biden’s ‘Accomplishments’

Biden’s Pants-On-Fire Lie That Nobody Noticed In His ABC News Interview

How Did 250,000 Jobs Suddenly Vanish This Year?

Hey, Elon, How About A Tesla That Runs On Gas?

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