Friday, July 12, 2024

The Immigration Crisis: Crossing The Border To Insanity

 The real political opposition and class antagonism is, and has always been, society versus the state, or the people against the state.

The state gains from a traumatized society, which becomes more helpless in its opposition to state power.

The "Market" for immigration is being dramatically distorted by state interference and financial incentivization.

In the US, the federal government largely obscures its taxpayer funding of unfettered immigration through NGOs and other organizations, who receive tens of billions of dollars in federal subsidies through several federal departments, including the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

In 2022, the "Jewish-American" NGO, HIAS received over $23 million from the US Department of Health and Human Services, over $59 million from the Department of State, and over $10 million from the Department of Homeland Security.

Mind you, the United States is the UN's largest donor, contributing, according to the Council on Foreign Relations, 22 percent of its annual budget-which means that a significant share of its budget comes from US taxpayers.

In all, an estimated $1.6 billion has been earmarked for over thirty "Faith-based" nonprofits and UN NGO partners in 2024, much of it coming from US federal government agencies, including the US State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and the US Agency for International Development.

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