Friday, July 12, 2024

The End Of Gold And Silver Price Manipulation

 Significant price manipulation - and that's primarily been bearish manipulation, designed to artificially depress prices - of gold and silver prices has been actively going on for about 50 years, certainly ever since the United States officially abandoned the gold standard in 1971.

The London Gold Pool existed for the purpose of keeping gold prices "Under control" by trading in the gold futures market whenever gold prices started getting a bit volatile.

First, gold and silver futures contracts are merely paper financial assets, rather than actual physical gold or silver.

If they'd done their trading in the physical bullion market, then they could only have sold the actual amount of gold or silver bullion that they had. But in the fractional trading of purely paper assets, the Pool participants could sell short contracts that represented many times more than all the gold and silver that actually existed in the trading exchange vaults.

With gold trading at $2,100, the bank might place orders to sell huge quantities of gold using sell-stop orders at $2.090 Thus, the sell orders would only be triggered if and when the price of gold dropped to $2,090 or lower.

Here's a picture of the end of gold price manipulation - a gold price chart, showing price action since the turn of the century.

For many years, gold investors and silver investors were frustrated by blatant market price manipulation aimed at suppressing prices.

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