Sunday, June 16, 2024

Further Thoughts About The Foreseeable Future

In particular, I dilated on the curious phrase "The foreseeable future." With what cheery abandon we employ it! Yet what a nugget of unfounded optimism those three words embrace!

How much of the future, really, do we foresee? A week? A day? A minute?

"There is nothing," the French writer Charles Péguy noted in the early years of the twentieth century, "So unforeseen as an event." The particular event Péguy had in mind was the Dreyfus Affair.

What makes us so certain that the contest will even be between Biden and Trump? Anyone who watched Joe Biden's performance at Normandy on D-Day must have doubts about his fate.

Biden conspicuously failed to copy Reagan's vigor or his dignity.

At the moment, most observers say that it is too late to change candidates; the Democrats are stuck with Biden.

Since you answered, "No, he couldn't," ask yourself this further question: How would you feel about Kamala Harris as president? All bets are that if Joe Biden is the candidate, Harris will be his running mate. 

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