Sunday, June 16, 2024


 Take the case of the Inflation Reduction Act, which should better be known as the Inflation Promotion Act.

It turns out that, guided by left-wing ideology, these constituencies do turn out to be in league.

Turns out EPA is also funding groups that oppose immigration enforcement.

What on God's green Earth does the EPA have to do with promoting illegal immigration? EPA tapped Fordham University as a grantmaker to distribute $50 million, in collaboration with the New York Immigration Coalition and the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice.

What does immigration have to do with climate? Nothing, though progressives say the issues "Intersect" in the oppression of minority groups.

According to the EPA, Fordham and its partners will take "An intersectional approach to place frontline communities in positions of power" to advance climate justice "In disadvantaged and hard-to-reach communities and communities disproportionately impacted by climate change, pollution, and other environmental stressors." What does that even mean? Perhaps abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is what NYIC advocates.

The group this month rallied with Democrats in Albany for a bill to prohibit local law enforcement from working with ICE. So the federal government is using taxpayer dollars to fund an organization that seeks to undermine an agency of the federal government.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with inflation-the purported target of the Inflation "Reduction" Act-or with the climate, which obviously will not be one whit different if pro-illegal immigration pressure groups get more money.

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