Sunday, June 16, 2024

Frustrated By String Of Conservative Wins, Democrats Go All Out To Delegitimize U.S. Supreme Court

 After several decades of conservative control of the Supreme Court and a string of rulings against their legislative and social priorities, Democrats and left-leaning media appear to be mounting an all-out assault against the judicial branch, casting doubt on its legitimacy and impartiality, while working to undercut the reputations and credibility of its more conservative justices.

Ostensibly conservative since the appointment of Chief Justice William Rehnquist in 1986, the court has generally not attracted comparable partisan scrutiny to the extent that it has under the Biden administration.

The Roberts court currently boasts three justices appointed by former President Donald Trump, who have solidified the court's conservative character and handed conservatives decades-sought wins on abortion, gun rights, and affirmative action.

Far from an isolated incident, Supreme Court rulings have in recent years have managed to overturn decades-long practices and even long-standing precedents that favored left-wing politics.

In 2022, some House Democrats began to openly push for legislation that would add four additional seats to the bench, contending that the GOP had already engaged in court packing with its handling of prior vacancies and Trump's nominees.

Following the publication of documents showing the additional trips Thomas took with Crow, he said "We are providing the American public greater clarity on the extent of ethical lapses by Supreme Court justices and the need for ethics reform."

"In November of last year the Supreme Court adopted an ineffective code of conduct for its justices but it did not enforce the ethics rule in any meaningful way and does not include a mechanism to address violations of the code," Durbin said.

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