Sunday, June 16, 2024

Biden Has Not Connected One Person With High-Speed Internet With $42.5 Billion From Infrastructure Bill

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr on Friday wrote that President Joe Biden has not connected one American with high-speed internet with $42.5 billion in funding from the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill.

"In 2021, the Biden Administration got $42.45 billion from Congress to deploy high-speed Internet to millions of Americans. Years later, it has not connected even 1 person with those funds. In fact, it now says that no construction projects will even start until 2025 at earliest," the Federal Communications Commission commissioner wrote.

Carr is specifically slamming the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment program, which allocated $42.45 billion to support broadband infrastructure and adoption.

The program was established by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, otherwise known as the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill.

Congress passed the infrastructure bill in 2021, which would mean that the BEAD program has had little success in its two years since Biden passed the bill.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg also struggled to explain why Biden has only built "Seven or eight" electric vehicle charging stations, which the funding also came from the IIJA. "The timeline is bad. The policy cuts that the Biden Administration have made are even worse. The Biden Administration has set up a $42.45 billion program that is poised to miss the mark and leave rural communities behind," Carr said in a statement to Breitbart News.

"The Biden Administration is barreling towards a broadband blunder. Congress has appropriated enough money to end the digital divide, but the Biden Administration is squandering the moment by putting partisan political goals above smart policy," the FCC commissioner explained. 

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