Sunday, June 16, 2024

Roe V. Wade Attorney: Use The Abortion Pill To 'Eliminate The Barely Educated, Unhealthy, And Poor'

Disturbing correspondence from a co-counsel of Roe v. Wade, the decision which legalized abortion nationwide, reveals that a eugenics and population control ideology has long been behind the push for the abortion pill's availability.

The abortion pill was eventually brought to the United States by groups with ties to eugenics, and today, eugenics-connected groups are funding the expansion of the abortion pill.

In 1992, Ron Weddington, a co-counsel of Roe v. Wade and the ex-husband of Roe attorney Sarah Weddington, wrote to the newly-elected Bill Clinton administration expressing concern about the growing size of certain population groups.

In 1994, with the encouragement of the Bill Clinton administration, Roussel-Uclaf assigned the US rights of marketing and distribution of the abortion pill to the eugenics-founded Population Council.

"Abortion," Lader's first publication, was cited several times in the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Lader also advocated for the legalization of the abortion pill.

Lader's book, "Abortion II" hinted at the eugenic 'benefits' abortion could bring, pointing out that the "Balance" of adoptable babies had shifted from white to, in his words, "Unwanted" minority children.

Ron Weddington letter about RU486 abortion pill to President Clinton page 3 to 4A 1991 book published by three pro-choice researchers in 1991 said that the idea that the abortion pill was developed "To expand or improve women's 'choices' to control their reproduction" is a complete "Misconception." They wrote, "The specific intention of such research was to restrict population growth in countries that were judged to be 'underdeveloped.' If successful, the method(s) could be extended to groups in the United States, Black, Hispanic and Native American Women."

The population control agenda of the abortion pill continues today in full force, having ended the lives of more than 3.7 million preborn children. 

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