Saturday, June 15, 2024

Under Ethics Scrutiny, Liberal Dark Money Behemoth Arabella Advisors Discloses $1.3 Billion Fundraising Haul

The left-wing dark money behemoth Arabella Advisors and its five nonprofit funds raised a staggering $1.35 billion from anonymous donors in 2022, tax documents released Wednesday show.

The disclosures show that Arabella and its offshoots, which include the New Venture Fund and Sixteen Thirty Fund, were dominant players in the 2022 midterm elections.

The network is under investigation by the attorney general of the District of Columbia, who in September issued subpoenas to Arabella and its largest funds seeking information related to allegations of financial mismanagement covered in a series of Washington Free Beacon reports.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund also contributed over $20 million to America Votes, a group that bills itself as the "Coordination hub of the progressive community" and works to advance left-wing policies in swing states including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin, and North Carolina.

In addition to the New Venture Fund and Sixteen Thirty Fund, Arabella's other nonprofit funds include the North Fund, Windward Fund, and Hopewell Fund.

"In 2022 alone, these groups spent $1.4 billion to push our country toward more extreme causes and candidates. As the 2024 election cycle ramps up, the American people deserve to know just how much influence the foreign-backed Arabella network has on our local, state, and federal elections." The true extent of Arabella's influence over the 2022 midterms is hard to glean from its tax filings.

Internal records obtained by the Free Beacon show Arabella wields centralized control of its five funds, which then use their tax-exempt status to launch pop-up groups in key states that only exist for a brief period of time before they're disbanded.

Arabella and its offshoots, which include: 

New Venture Fund 

Sixteen Thirty Fund

Windward Fund

Hopewell Fund

North Fund

American Bridge 21st Century Foundation

Defending Democracy Together

America Votes

Tides Advocacy

Future Forward USA Action

Priorities USA

Priorities USA Foundation 

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