Monday, April 8, 2024

Marxist Globalists Will Resort To Terror And Violence

 They used democratic elections to elevate Marxist socialists into political offices, but they cautioned against the use of violence to accelerate a process that they understood as foreordained.

In order to create a Marxist future that is wholly unnatural, his followers eventually realized that coercion and violence are instrumental to their vision.

Unable to accept that violence is inextricably linked to Marxism, Kautsky echoed the naïve complaint that history cannot be "Hurried." History's "Speed," however, has never been the source of Marxism's violence.

What is important to understand is that the various Western projects active today all reflect this long conflict among Marxists about the best way to achieve their "Revolution." Sure, there still remain a few residual peaceniks in the faculty lounge who believe - as Kautsky did - that human societies will naturally evolve into Marxist Utopias and "Equitable" communes from the sheer deterministic forces of historical materialism.

Standing somewhere in the middle - for the time being, at least - are the great majority of governmental and non-governmental forces pushing demonstrable forms of Marxist socialism under the guise of public policies ostensibly meant to advance environmentalism, mass migration, pandemic preparedness, minority rights, or "Sustainable" economic development in impoverished communities.

Every perceived global problem provides Marxist socialists with an opportunity to "Solve" that problem by constructing financial and governmental institutions that advance their "Revolution." They believe that they can "Speed up" the "Progression" of human history by creating painful conditions that justify communism's architecture.

Make no mistake, when these Marxist globalists conclude that an increasingly popular resistance force within Western society threatens their "Long march" toward domination, they will not throw up their hands in defeat, shrug, and concede, "Well, that's democracy." In their twisted totalitarian minds, only ideological allies merit "Democratic" respect or civil rights protections; ideological foes deserve dictatorial force and bloody despotism.

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