Monday, April 8, 2024

Independents, Third-Party Candidates Loom As Election Deciders In 2024

 The race between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump remains tight, with Biden holding an ever-so-slight edge over Trump in a head-to-head election.

If the choice is just between Trump and Biden, with no third-party or independent challengers, Trump gets just 6% of the Democratic vote, 84% of the Republican vote, and 33% from the independents.

Biden gets 84% of the Democratic vote, 6% of the GOP, and 35% of independents.

So Biden has a small two percentage-point lead among independents when facing only Trump.

When the same question is asked after including Kennedy and the other third-party or independent candidates, Trump reverses Biden's edge with independents, taking 31% of the indie vote, compared to Biden's 29%. To sum up, third-party and independent candidates cost Biden six percentage points of his overall independent vote support, compared to a loss of just two percentage points for Trump.

The poll also shows Trump winning 21% of the black vote, a substantial gain from 2020's 8%. Will Biden hold enough of his core Democratic support, in particular independent and minority voters, to beat Trump? Right now, for the Biden Democrats, the trends don't look good.

2024 election 2024 election choices Donald Trump Featured independents Joe Biden Third Party.

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