Monday, April 8, 2024

When China Wired Money To Joe's House

In the summer of 2019, while Joe Biden was running for president, the money was rolling into Delaware from Communist China.

When the Biden clan was getting millions in payments from Chinese interests many of which, like Li, Joe Biden had personal contact with, through a web of shell companies, and then portions of the money were passed along to the future president as "Loan repayments", did he really know nothing about the process that brought the money from China to his wallet?

Joe Biden had spent much of his later career in politics building relationships with China.

The underlying question is why would a series of savvy, influential and successful Chinese business leaders have been sending large payments to the Biden family? Had they been taken in by a clever con, of Joe shaking their hands, chatting with them and seeming to imply a connection with the Biden family enterprises without discussing details, and got nothing for it?

As Joe Biden risks becoming a one-term president, he is in much the same situation that he was in 2016, looking at a career dead end and needing ways to monetize his time in the White House.

Some critics claim that Joe Biden, like a lot of politicians, is a sucker for maintaining a relationship with China at any cost.

Is Joe Biden protecting America's relationship with China or his own relationship?

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