Thursday, July 4, 2024

The California governor paints a rosy picture of a state that is failing badly.

 Last week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom gave a 28-minute pre-recorded State of the State address and ominously opined that the state's values and status as "a beacon of hope" are "Under assault." A beacon of hope? The pathetic load of BS strewn by Newsom during his talk could easily fertilize a farm for an entire year.

Newsom's California has spent billions on homeless relief and has subsidized millions of new illegal migrant arrivals across the state's porous southern border.

The Republicans in the state legislature took great umbrage at Newsom's many fairytales.

"California remains the country's homeless capital, businesses are closing their doors, and crime continues to rise. The state of this state is simply not good under Newsom's leadership, and any claims to the contrary he makes in his speech will be patently false. The good news is, it can be fixed, and Legislative Republicans continue to work to that end." It's important to note that with left-wing Democrats controlling the state legislature, not all the blame for the state's woes belongs to Newsom.

A set of ambitious reparations proposals, including legislation that would create an agency to help Black families research their family lineage and confirm their eligibility for any future restitution passed by the state, is in the works.

State Sen. Steven Bradford, a Los Angeles-area Democrat, said California "Bears great responsibility" to atone for injustices against Black Californians.

Considering all the above, it's hardly surprising that enrollment in California's public schools has fallen by 6% since 2013, and the state projects another 12% decline over the next decade, according to the Public Policy Institute.

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