Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4th Marks Our Struggle Against The Left

 Citizen Genet, an emissary of the French Revolution, had helped set up 'Democratic Societies' dedicated to promoting a radical revolution in America.

Where the American Revolution had emphasized the independence of the individual from the state, the French Revolution focused on building up the state as the guarantor of freedom.

The struggle between the French and American revolutions nearly led to civil war in this country.

What initially began as a revolution against a monarchy became a revolution against the Left.

We did not fight a revolution to build a system that would make us equal by leveling everyone else.

In 'Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers' Fight Against The Left', I tell the story of that fight, not against the British crown, but against the radical tyranny that the Left calls 'liberation'.

As we celebrate the 248th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, let us do all that we can so that it is the American Revolution, and not the French Reign of Terror, that prevails here.

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