Friday, July 5, 2024

Illegal Immigration Is A Major Tool To Allow The Communist Democrats In Washington DC To Remain In Power

 Since the communist Biden Regime stole control of the country in 2020, their open-borders policy has opened the floodgates of illegal immigration to a whopping 6.6 million new illegal aliens from Latin America in just the past 3 years.

Most Americans cannot wrap their head around the fact that their own government would like them dying and dead, while they get replaced by a new "Demographic" of immigrants who want free government handouts forever, instantaneous amnesty, in exchange for zero constitutional rights.

What's worse is these are not just families of immigrants seeking a better life and some American freedoms, they are mostly military-aged males who are criminals, and some involved in violent gangs who rape and murder American children and teens, and even get away with it all, thanks to Soros-appointed District Attorneys in almost every metropolitan city across the nation.

The Biden Regime is sending billions of dollars, and this is on record in fact, four billion over four years, into Central America as part of their "Root Causes Strategy." In other words, this is Washington DC's plan to help every want-to-be-American illegal immigrant afford to travel to the southern U.S. border, cross into America and start their new life, as a Democrat voter who votes for more communism.

Nobody in Washington DC is trying to solve this "Problem" because to them, it is the plan for remaining in power, since hardly a conscious American is planning to vote for the demented, ailing, arrogant and puppet-guy named Dark Brandon.

News for updates on how illegal immigration is a tool for the communists in Washington DC to remain in power.

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