Friday, July 5, 2024

Desperation: ABC Moves Up Crucial Biden Interview In Hail Mary Effort To Stem Debate Fallout

As we reported, Team Biden thought a good way to calm the public after the president's faceplant of a debate last Thursday would be to sit for an interview with former Clinton official and Democrat sycophant George Stephanopoulos over on ABC. Advertisement.

ABC has now announced that the entire interview will air Friday at 8 p.m. Eastern, with a preview played beforehand on "World News Tonight with David Muir" at 6:30 p.m. The smell of desperation in the air is overwhelming.

Biden will sit for the talk on Friday morning-during his "Dependably engaged" hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.-and ABC says that it will release the full unedited transcript on that day.

It's unclear how much ABC will edit the tape and what tone Stephanopolous will set-will he continue in his role gaslighting as a Dem operative and posing as a journalist, or will he try to salvage what's left of his reputation by demanding actual answers from Biden?

The stakes are high after Biden's chances of winning reelection in November went into freefall as he delivered a meandering, confused, out-of-it performance against his nemesis and presumptive GOP Donald Trump during the CNN debate heard 'round the world.

If he's able to pull it together for this interview and come across as in charge of his faculties, it might just buy him another day.

I can almost picture the poor Biden aide tasked with calling ABC to desperately shriek, "The ship is sinking; we gotta do something! Forget Sunday-we need that interview up ASAP!"  

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