Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Elias' Firm Sues To Let Foreign Billionaires Buy Ohio Elections

A prominent Democrat law firm, founded by an architect of the Trump-Russia hoax, is suing to let foreign billionaires meddle in Ohio elections.

Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine signed House Bill 1 on June 2, banning foreign nationals from spending money on state ballot measures.

Elias founded the Elias Law Group in 2021 to do the bidding of Democrat politicians, according to Influence Watch.

"All noncitizens are now threatened with investigation, criminal prosecution, and mandatory fines if they even indicate they intend to engage in any election-related spending or contributions - including to support or oppose ballot questions in virtually any capacity," the lawsuit reads, according to the AP. The Ohio law prohibits foreign nationals including green card holders, foreign political parties, foreign governments, and foreign businesses from contributing funding for "Ballot issues or candidates."

So perhaps Elias' real issue with Ohio's ban on foreign campaign funding is that it keeps Democrats from doing what he falsely accused Trump of doing.

The law simply bans foreign funders from interfering in Ohio elections to boost partisan turnout.

A lawyer for Wyss's interests is now suing to return the levers of power in Ohio to people like the foreign billionaire. 

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