Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Court Tackles Big Gov’t, Dems’ Debate Disaster, Green Lies … And More


One Epic Week: Supreme Court Limits Big Gov’t, Deep State, Lawfare

Supreme Court affirms absolute immunity for official acts in Trump case, renders Jan. 6 trial before election unlikely — New York Post

Sotomayor’s Dissent in Presidential Immunity Case Certainly Has People Talking — Town Hall

Supreme Court Justice Thomas Takes Aim at Trump Special Counsel Prosecutor — PJ Media

SCOTUS Restricts Criminal Charge Of Interference With Official Proceeding Under Statute Used Against J6 Defendants — Legal Insurrection

Supreme Court Strikes Devastating Blow to Power of Federal Agencies in Landmark Ruling — National Review

Supreme Court’s Trump immunity ruling is what the body was designed for — unpopular but constitutionally correct — New York Post

Leftists Fantasize About Biden ‘Immunity’ To Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices — Daily Caller

Disarray In Biden Land After Disastrous Debate Performance

Biden Attempts to Reframe Election Around Jan. 6 in Rushed White House Speech — Breitbart

Nate Silver Has Some Bad News for Biden and the Democrats — PJ Media

Post-Debate Polling Should Have Biden Campaign Sweating Bullets — Red State

A Presidential Debate Heard ’Round the World — Wall Street Journal

Dems In Deep Panic Over Biden’s Debate: A Roundup — BattleSwarm Blog

Key Democrat donors threaten to pull plug if Biden doesn’t resign: ‘How stupid do they think we are?’ — Daily Mail

Tucker Carlson: ‘Unusually Good Source’ Says Obama Wants Joe Gone Too — Tucker Carlson, X (Twitter)

California ‘Thriving’ Under Gavin Newsom

Kevin O’Leary slams ‘wasteland’ San Francisco over store closures, bad policies: ‘It is not America anymore’ — Fox News

WalletHub ranks San Francisco 148th out of 148 for ‘worst run’ city in America for the second year in a row — American Thinker

‘He’s a buffoon’: Adam Carolla blasts Gavin Newsom and reveals he’s finally leaving California — The Blaze

Gavin Newsom is riding the California wave to position himself as the future of the Democratic Party — New York Post

Gavin Newsom Blames Conservatives, Right-Wing Media For Noticing California’s Dysfunction On His Watch — Daily Caller

The Green Follies: ‘Net Zero,’ And Other Myths

Battery Baloney, Hydrogen Hype, and Green Fairy Tales — American Thinker

The climate scaremongers: Proof that our Net Zero drive is pointless — The Conservative Woman

EVs are giving new owners more headaches, and Tesla is a big reason why: J.D. Power study — Yahoo Finance

ICYMI: Terminate This Federal Department With Extreme Prejudice — Issues & Insights

The Gov’t Spending Plague Is Universal

How the Federal Government Loses More Money Than Its Bean-Counters Can Count — Real Clear Investigations

The world is sitting on a $91 trillion problem. ‘Hard choices’ are coming — CNN

How To Fix An Election

James Clapper, Mr. October Surprise: How Obama’s Intel Czar Rigged 2016 and 2020 Debates Against Trump — Paul Sperry, Real Clear Investigations

No One Knows How Much ‘Bidenbucks’ Is Costing Taxpayers, Not Even Congress — The Federalist

49 States Are Now Supplying ‘Non-Citizens’ With Voter Registration Forms — The Pulse

Is Europe Going ‘MEGA’* (Make Europe Great Again?)

Is France Heading for a Civil War? — The New York Sun

Fixing broken Britain the Farage way – a great reforming political speech — The Conservative Woman

Panic Time: Netherlands’ Wealth Tax Gets Shot Down, Must Be Refunded — UK Telegraph, via Hot Air

Hundreds of candidates drop out of French election runoff in last gasp bid to keep right from power — CNN, via MSN

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