Monday, July 1, 2024

COVID-19 Vaccine Negative Effectiveness Further Discussed In Major Medical Journals

 As promised, my own little article on COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness has been published in a major medical journal, the Australian Journal of General Practice.

Also discussed in what became an epic and frank discussion amongst several Australian health professionals are vaccine injuries and 'long COVID' potentially being 'long jab'.

With the editorial team apparently happy to publish on the jab potentially causing immune dysfunction, I thought this could be my chance to once again bring up negative effectiveness in a major medical journal.

I cite several articles apparently displaying some sort of COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness, including one published by NEJM, another published in a Lancet journal, and the little discussion involving myself in the BMJ. In the worst cases, the vaccines' effectiveness drops to zero, and even turns negative, within mere months.

I cited the JECP4 articles, which show "That issues with counting windows have likely led to exaggerations of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and safety estimates, for both the clinical trials and later observational studies".

I conclude: "All this makes it plausible that the COVID-19 vaccines have always had an effectiveness that was very low, zero, or even negative, with inadequate methods allowing for a highly exaggerated effectiveness initially - an exaggeration that is lessened with time. It is, as Professor Tindle noted, possible that the vaccines could be causing immunosuppression. With the ubiquitousness of the vaccines, and the fact that some vaccine mandates are still in place, to say nothing of the upcoming Senate inquiry into excess mortality, I suggest we investigate this further."

Tindle is all of us when he opines that the "Amount of spike protein from the vaccine is likely many fold greater than that from infection with virus because of stability mutations introduced into the vaccine mRNA, and the tissue penetrance of spike protein mRNA into a far more diverse set of tissues than infection".

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