Friday, July 5, 2024

A Psychological Behavioral Disintegration Of Intellect

The flippant accusations made without any evidence whatsoever is a tremendous disintegration of intellect.

Billy diddled young women and girls while Hillary diddled younger women.

Because in essence - ALL the land belongs to God and every person and country are simply leaseholds exchanging hands.

Some within the stipulations of God and the Bible - others thru a constant struggle for Domination via WAR. I attended a seminar years ago wherein we were told to draw what we envision as most important.

The "Self described Chosen Ones - Jews" haven't led earth into a utopian enclave of Eden Paradise, but have instead led nearly every conflict and every death.

Perpetrated upon us by a society, a human-nonhuman race, a Nephilim' as defined by God which we have been led to ignore.

Because, if GOD intervened, their illusion would degrade like a domino board. 

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