Friday, July 5, 2024

The History of Democrats Hiding Presidential Disabilities

According to journalist Carl Bernstein, several people "Very close" to President Biden have related that the president has had 15-to-20 episodes of cognitive decline - similar to what happened during the presidential debate the other evening - during the past year and a half.

Bernstein told CNN that these Biden supporters said, "There have been numerous instances where the president has lost his train of thought, can't pick it up again." The New York Post editorialized that Democrats and their "Media enablers" have attempted to hide Biden's cognitive decline.

On Sept. 25, 1919, during Wilson's campaign for ratification of the Versailles Treaty and America's participation in the League of Nations, the president suffered a "Mini-stroke" in Pueblo, Colorado.

Edith Wilson, the president's wife, embarked on what Dr. Howard Markel called a "Bedside government," where in essence the unelected Mrs. Wilson "Became de-facto president." Paul Johnson in Modern Times claimed that Wilson suffered his first stroke in April 1919 in Paris, and this was concealed.

After the two later strokes in September and October 1919, Wilson's physician said, "He is permanently ill physically, is gradually weakening mentally, and can't recover." Johnson wrote that Joseph Tumulty, the president's private secretary, and Wilson and his wife Edith "Conspired" to effectively make Edith Wilson the nation's chief executive.

There were times, Johnson wrote, when the president "Could concentrate for [only] five or ten minutes at a time." Thus at a crucial time in international affairs when the postwar structure of power was emerging from the ashes of the First World War, a seriously disabled president was unable and unfit to discharge his duties.

Others who were at Yalta dubbed FDR the "Sick old man of Yalta." The British Foreign Office's Alexander Cadogan later said that FDR was "Unaware of what was going on most of the time." Assistant to the president James Byrnes scolded Roosevelt for making "Little preparation" for the important meetings. 

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