Saturday, June 15, 2024

Laura Ingraham: The Bidens Have Become One Of The Richest Families In American Politics

For years, the Bidens have been able to escape any legal accountability for their sleazy, corrupt conduct.

Now, of course, the angle has long maintained that while not insignificant, this open and shut case is probably the least serious of all the Biden schemes exposed by congressional investigators and a few industrious reporters.

He got $40,000 from Jim Biden that was directly traced to the, the China influence peddling scheme, which was 10%, ironically, of what the fees were.

Then he got $200,000 directly linked from an influence peddling scheme with AmeriCorps Health, which was a, which was a scam led by Jim Biden.

We found a quarter of a million dollars that Joe Biden got.

Of course the Biden boosters in the media tried to use today's gun verdict to counter any notion that the justice system under Joe Biden is unfairly targeting Donald Trump.

Joe Biden sat quietly and let the rule of law operate. 

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