Saturday, June 15, 2024

‘Media Reporting’ Is Now Just More Censorship And Suppression Of Information

 As the left-wing Media Matters for America buckles under the weight of a delightfully crushing defamation lawsuit brought by Elon Musk - hope he wins! - it's probably a good time for that trash outlet's deep-pocket donors to consider spending their money elsewhere; not just because MMFA is a satanic organization that employs a bunch of otherwise unskilled dopes, but because so much of what was formerly known as "Media reporting" is now simply more censorship and suppression of right-wingers, which is exactly what MMFA does.

A media reporter at CNN dedicated an embarrassing amount of time this week reaching out to Ticketmaster and event venues for comment on their participation in a national tour Carlson is scheduled to begin in the coming days.

I used to do media reporting, back when the point was to bring transparency to an industry that provides none of it while simultaneously demanding all of it from others.

At its ideal, media reporting was a reality check on other high-profile journalists, TV people and newsroom editors, a helpful reminder that they weren't above criticism, ridicule, or the possibility of being exposed.

To wit, the media news site Mediaite last week posted a video chat with Democrat ABC News anchor and former Clinton White House official George Stephanopoulos, wherein the host and Stephanopoulos bemoaned the difficulty their peers have in doing live TV interviews with Donald Trump.

If "Media reporting" was still a thing, the story here would be about journalists and news anchors making themselves the arbiters of what ideas and arguments the public is allowed to hear from a former and likely future president, with questions like: Who are you to decide that? What qualifies you to determine what's safe for the public to know? Since live televised Trump appearances still attract ratings, doesn't that mean there's a sizable audience that wants to hear what he has to say without you clearing his every word?

It's only another arm of the sprawling anti-information, pro-censorship regime that has rendered Media Matters obsolete.

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