Monday, May 6, 2024

Out Of Control: Large Scale Fights, Gang Violence Force Chicago To Cancel Cinco De Mayo Parade

Chicago, like so many of our major cities, is out of control.

Homelessness, smash-and-grab robberies, carjackings, gangs effectively taking over parts of the city - Chicago is in free fall.

On Sunday, another incident in Chicago's meltdown was revealed when the Chicago Police Department canceled the city's Cinco de Mayo parade "Out of an abundance of caution," due to gang violence and large-scale fighting in the area of the parade.

Families in Democrat-run Chicago hoping to enjoy a Cinco de Mayo parade will have to wait until next year - after the city canceled the festivities due to "Gang violence." The Chicago Police Department announced Sunday that the Cinco de Mayo Parade was canceled "Out of an abundance of caution to protect the safety of all in attendance, including families and children." Families were forced to pack up and head home after reports of large-scale fights in the area.

The city has suffered from years, nay, decades of incompetent government, brought about mostly by the citizenry voting out one incompetent city official only to vote in an even less competent city official.

It's a sad pass we've come to when the town that has been referred to as America's Second City is so out of control, that the police can't guarantee the safety of the general public while they attend a parade.

It's time the voters in the Windy City hire a better class of public servant.

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