Monday, May 6, 2024

The Ideological Roots of the Open Borders Push

 Why does the Biden administration want open borders? As a researcher and writer on immigration, that's the question I often get asked.

When you see the word "Abolition" used in connection with criminal justice and immigration, you might be confused.

As Rufo writes, " Davis and her comrades began to call not for the release of individual criminals, but for the abolition of the entire system.

" Davis said that "a society without racism has to be a society without prisons." The Black Lives Matter organization adopted the same agenda of "Abolition." The mobs that destroyed a police station and looted Minneapolis in 2020 shouted, "Abolish the police, then the prisons." The "Abolitionist" activists in the Seattle CHAZ commune wanted to abolish the police, prisons, and courts.

BLM founder Patrisse Cullors was crystal clear in this Harvard Law Review essay from 2019: "Abolition means no borders. Abolition means no Border Patrol. Abolition means no Immigration and Customs Enforcement." America is the source of world evil, in her view, and thus has no right to exist as a nation state nor keep anyone in the world from entering its borders.

Take a look at this course taught at Columbia University this Spring by professor Mohamed Abdou, titled "Decolonial-Queerness and Abolition in SWAN." SWANA likely stands for South West Asian and North African people.

Even if you can't make any sense of that sentence, you can be sure of what Abdou means by "Abolition." Columbia University now resembles Gaza as designed by outdoor equipment retailer Eastern Mountain Sports.

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