Thursday, April 4, 2024

We’ve seen the invasion of our border. Are we going to stop the invasion of our voter rolls?

We already have government records from states across the country that reveal aliens have been registering and voting in American elections.

For over a decade, the Public Interest Legal Foundation has been harvesting records from election offices in Texas, California, North Carolina, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and many more states that reveal the extent of the problem of aliens getting registered to vote and why it is happening.

The National Voter Registration Act, more commonly known as Motor Voter, is the federal law that requires states to offer voter registration at local drivers license agencies.

Only an honor system prevents aliens from registering to vote.

Some of the voter registration forms disclosed to the Public Interest Legal Foundation show that aliens have marked "No" I am not a U.S. citizen and were still registered to vote by election officials.

What can be done about aliens registering to vote? Unfortunately, as evidenced by a U.S. Senate hearing earlier this month, the Left has no problem with aliens voting.

Motor Voter does not put the same obligation for states to keep voter rolls free from foreigners as it does from deceased individuals. 

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