Thursday, April 4, 2024

Louisiana Senate Passes Bill 37-0 To Ban WEF Agenda From The State

 Louisiana has become the first state in the US to pass a bill to end the influence of the United Nations, World Health Organization and World Economic Forum in the state and ban the globalist organizations from imposing rules and mandates.

The Louisiana Senate passed a bill in a a 37-0 vote to end state and local cooperation with the UN, WHO and WEF, accusing them of launching a globalist coup d'etat and attempting to impose their rules and mandates around the world.

The bill outlines practical steps to ensure that rules, regulations, and mandates of the globalist organizations will have no power in the Pelican State.

In a televised discussion on federal gun laws, he noted that a single state refusing to cooperate with enforcement would make federal gun laws "Nearly impossible" to enforce.

The federal government relies heavily on state cooperation to implement and enforce almost all of its laws, regulations, and acts.

The Supreme Court has consistently held that the federal government can't commandeer state and local resources for its own purposes.

Even if the U.S. government is obligated to enforce some U.N. mandate based on a treaty, it doesn't follow that state and local governments must also enforce the same.

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