Sunday, April 7, 2024


President Biden used the IDF's accidental killing of the seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza to demand that Israel capitulate to Hamas.

That's my translation of the White House readout of Biden's April 4 phone call with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Martha MacCallum seemed to think this was a tad much coming from Biden and Blinken.

Hosting Biden NSC spokesman John Kirby on Fox News Channel's The Story, MacCallum homed in on the anomalous quality of the critique of Israel coming from the authors of the Kabul drone strike that killed Zemari Ahmadi, an Afghan aid worker, and nine members of his family, including seven children.

By contrast with Biden and his brain trust, Israel immediately acknowledged it had made a mistake and vowed to investigate.

The Chief of Staff also formally reprimanded the commander of the Southern Command for his overall responsibility in the incident.

CNN adds: "Israel's swift public explanation and admission of guilt is rare, as is for such senior officers to be punished" - especially by contrast with its critics in the Biden administration and the senior officers responsible for the Kabul strike. 

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