Sunday, April 7, 2024

Puberty Blockers Are Not A 'Pause Button', They're A 'Sterility Button'

 "Puberty blockers allow transgender kids to really be able to navigate situations without worrying about what their body looks like as soon as puberty becomes part of the picture," says Samantha Busa, PsyD, child and adolescent psychologist and clinical director of the Gender and Sexuality Service at the Child Study Center, part of the Transgender Youth Health Program at Hassenfeld Children's Hospital.

For those assigned female at birth, puberty blockers pause the development of breasts, wider hips or a menstrual period.

Just give your kids some puberty blockers and give them time to "Figure it out".

Mayo Clinic experts say puberty blockers can lead to withering testicles, fertility problems and even cancer among the trans kids who take them, in the latest study to raise alarm about transgender medicine.

For their study, Mayo researchers looked at one of the largest collections of testicular samples for patients aged 0-17 years, including those with gender dysphoria who both did and did not take puberty blockers.

Nine of them were already taking puberty blockers - one for just three months, another for more than four years.

Researchers highlighted the case of a 12-year-old boy who had taken puberty blockers for 14 months.

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