Monday, April 8, 2024

The President's hinderance of Israel's fight against terrorism has ensured that Hamas will survive to wreak havoc again.

Israeli forces withdrew from Southern Gaza on Sunday but left open the possibility of a future invasion of the city of Rafah where Hamas leaders, and about two battalions of Hamas terrorists, are located.

In the nineteen years since, Hamas terrorists have been launching rockets into Israel, targeting Israeli civilians.

Hamas, according to Saturday reports, demands not only a cease fire but total Israeli withdrawal and release of convicted terrorists from Israeli jails.

Secretary of State Tony Blinken said that Israel is risking becoming indistinguishable from Hamas.

For Blinken to insinuate that Israel and Hamas are comparable in any way is intellectually corrupt and morally wrong.

That's obviously inconsistent with the facts but perfectly consistent with Hamas disinformation in previous conflicts with Israel.

Israel claims to have killed more than ten thousand Hamas terrorists. 

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