Monday, April 8, 2024

Invasion Alert

"Mass illegal immigration resulting from the Biden administration's open border policies is costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars to provide an unprecedented number of migrants with medical treatment, housing, education, and other welfare services, not to mention law enforcement. A new congressional report that includes federal and state figures reveals the shocking price of supporting an estimated 16.8 to 29 million illegal aliens currently living in the United States. The "net cost of illegal immigration is greater than the annual gross domestic product of 15 different states," according to the lengthy report, published this week by the House Committee on Homeland Security.

"Illegal immigration costs every American taxpayer a net average of $956-or $1,156 before the taxes paid by illegal aliens are factored in.

"Because Mayorkas refuses to follow the law requiring him to detain and remove illegal aliens, towns and cities across the country have been forced to pick up the costs of housing and providing shelter for the hundreds of thousands that have been released into their communities," the report states.

Nearly four million illegal aliens attend public schools around the country and most receive special services for Limited English Proficiency costing American taxpayers nearly $59 billion.

Police expenditures provided by the National Institute of Corrections reveal that illegal immigrants cost states nearly $9 billion in 2022 with judicial expenses around $3.72 billion and prison costs about $6.2 billion.

The reason mass immigration exists right now is exactly because the Biden Administration and globalist institutions are offering free handouts to "Asylum seekers." All they have to do to stop the rising tide of illegals is to stop offering them free stuff.

If the US is adding 2-3 million illegals per year to the population and the government is spending thousands in tax dollars per year on each illegal through various subsidies, that will amount to billions per year in extra GDP. And the more they allow illegals to enter the country unchecked the more GDP can grow exponentially. 

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