Saturday, April 6, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Undercuts Democrats On January 6: 'Little Evidence Of A True Insurrection'

 Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. issued a statement on the January 6 prosecutions Friday, saying that while violent rioters deserved to be punished, many prosecutions of non-violent protesters were excessive.

Kennedy's statement undercuts the Democratic Party's effort to portray the 2024 election as a "Defense of democracy" and a referendum on the so-called "Insurrection," which Democrats blame on former President Donald Trump.

Because it happened with the encouragement of President Trump, and in the context of his delusion that the election was stolen from him, many people see it not as a riot but as an insurrection.

I have not examined the evidence in detail, but reasonable people, including Trump opponents, tell me there is little evidence of a true insurrection.

One can, as I do, oppose Donald Trump and all he stands for, and still be disturbed by the weaponization of government against him.

Maybe it is because the establishment parties differ very little on these key issues that they campaign on the demonization of their opponents and all who support them instead. Kennedy left the Democratic Party after it became clear that it would be impossible for him to win enough delegates to challenge incumbent President Joe Biden, thanks to the anti-democratic superdelegate system, which is a barrier to insurgent candidates in the primary.

Some polls have Kennedy polling in double-digits against Trump and Biden.

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