Saturday, April 6, 2024

Federal Judge Accuses The DOJ Of Hypocrisy For 'Flouting' Biden Impeachment Inquiry Subpoenas

 A federal judge scolded the Justice Department on Friday for refusing to allow attorneys involved in the Hunter Biden investigation to comply with subpoenas issued by House Republicans.

The House Judiciary Committee filed a lawsuit last month in the federal District Court in Washington seeking to force DOJ lawyers Mark Daly and Jack Morgan to provide testimony as part of the panel's impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

The GOP-led panel co-leading the impeachment probe related to the 81-year-old president's alleged involvement in his family's business dealings claims the DOJ has "Thwarted" efforts by the committee to get depositions from the DOJ Tax Division officials.

District Judge Ana Reyes, an appointee of President Biden, argued that the Justice Department was being hypocritical for instructing Daly and Morgan not to comply with the committee's subpoenas while throwing others in prison for similar actions.

"And now you guys are flouting those subpoenas," Reyes added, directing her ire at DOJ attorney James Gilligan.

When the judge asked if the DOJ would commit to instructing Daly and Morgan to testify if the House Judiciary Committee dropped its insistence that government counsel not be in the room for their depositions, Gilligan wouldn't answer in the affirmative.

The impeachment inquiry into the president is also seeking to determine whether Joe Biden pressured the DOJ to tread lightly in its probe of his son, which House investigators believe Morgan and Daly can shed light on.

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