Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Joe Biden Is Now Chasing The 'Death To America' Voter

 To celebrate the occasion, protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, chanted "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" while a speaker named Tarek Bazzi declared the United States - a place that's afforded him the liberty to openly support rapists, murderers, and terrorists - one of the "Rottenest countries" on the planet.

If parents who are sick of school boards undermining their children's education and futures are smeared as a "Domestic terror" by this administration, surely those chanting "Death to America" deserve a look.

The same Jew haters who attend Quds Day rallies or write for The Washington Post are the people Joe Biden is now cynically trying to mollify in his effort to win the 2024 presidential race and "Save democracy." Delegations of Democrats are sent to placate these defenders of barbarism and terror, sometimes quite literally.

No matter how many ceasefires Hamas rejects, Democrats still demand Israel unilaterally stop fighting the people who hold American hostages.

The Biden administration, which creates and spreads myths about Jewish extremism in the "West Bank" to create a fake moral equivalence, is reportedly preparing to force Israel to mark products imported from Judea and Samaria made by Jews with special labels.

Biden will not rest until there is a Judenrein West Bank or his "Death to America" constituents are happy.

The same people who chant "Death to Israel" inevitably wish "Death to America," as well. 


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