Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Dangerous US Rush To Save The Terrorist Group Hamas

It will persuade Hamas that it can win its war, weaken Israel and create distance between the US and Israel.

Every time the Biden administration weakens its support for Israel, it strengthens the determination of Hamas to raise its demands and threaten Israel, to the point that Israel cannot possibly agree.

It must destroy Hamas and its leadership, or else Hamas will keep its promise of repeating the barbarisms of Oct 7.

As soon as it became clear that the US would not veto the Security Council resolution, Hamas raised its demands, making a deal impossible.

Why should Hamas agree to give anything when it is getting what it wants from the US, the UN, academia and the left for nothing in return? Although Hamas is losing militarily, it is achieving its broader goals of weakening Israel, while maintaining its ability to regroup and continue to terrorize Israeli civilians with its rockets and other armaments.

In a display of unmatched hypocrisy, the leaders of Hamas sent a message of sympathy to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the terrorist attack on a theater that killed 130 innocent civilians in Moscow.

If Hamas is allowed to emerge intact - even if weakened - from the war it started by murdering 1,200 Israelis, it will, as its leaders have vowed, continue to attack Israel time and again until Israel is annihilated, as well as endangering moderate Arab countries and the entire free world. 


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