Sunday, April 7, 2024

How The Fed And Federal Government Destroyed The US Dollar (Purchasing Power DOWN -32% Since The Subprime Crisis While M2 Money Has Grown By 177%)

Former Kansas City Fed President Thomas M. Hoenig was absolutely right when he said recently that The Federal Reserve panders to Wall Street, Congress and special interest groups, prioritizing immediate relief over financial stability.

Since the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008-2009, US Dollar purchasing power is DOWN -32% and M2 Money is up a staggering 177%. While Yellen stuck with zero-interest policies until Trump was elected, then raised The Fed Funds Target Rate 8 times.

Headline USA filed a FOIA request with the Fed for records reflecting how much gold the Federal Reserve Bank of New York currently holds in its vault, as well as records reflecting the ownership stake that each of FRBNY's central bank/government clients have in that gold.

So today we're doing our best to shine as bright a light as possible on the Fed: how & why it operates, the good & as well as the shortcomings of its actions to date, what direction its policies are likely to take from here, and how all of this impacts the households of regular people like you and me.

While very critical of the Fed's QE and ZIRP policies in the wake of the GFC, and more recently in the $trillions in monetary & fiscal stimulus unleashed post-COVID, Dr Hoenig thinks current Fed policy is "About right".

Dr Hoenig predicts the purchasing power of the US dollar will continue to decline due to current policies and the lack of a "Discipline" to money creation.

Combine The Fed not telling us how much gold they hold and their overprinting problems since 2008, and you can see why investors are turning to gold and silver and crypto currencies. 

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