Sunday, April 7, 2024

It's All Fake Except the War

 Everything we have been reporting, everything we have suspected concerning the Biden presidency has been confirmed.

Sage Steele, a former ESPN reporter, has confirmed that her interview of Biden as early as 2021 was totally fake-the questions, the reporter responses, everything according to script.

Videos are surfacing of a 'Biden' in Ireland answering reporters questions while scratching the right side of his neck, showing plainly a mask that has wrinkled after he scratched his neck... Politifact assured us it was a fake video.

Biden doesn't speak from inside the White House.

Biden has spread an amoral culture Biden's slips and falls are a common occurrence.

He's draining our strategic oil reserves, with potential wars in two hemispheres now made worse in Eastern Europe with Blinken's announcement that Ukraine will enter NATO. Biden opened our borders wide with millions of migrants from over 100 countries, including Red China and Iran, composed mostly of 'single' military-age males, with many migrants bringing in diseases like tuberculosis, and now taking up 30% of the space in federal prisons.

It's what we know to be certain-the societal scourge Biden and his accomplices have brought on our homes, our families, the mess our country is in, and the apparent dismantling of the greatest nation, the greatest culture on earth that has protected freedom all over the world for well over a hundred years.

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