Monday, April 8, 2024

FBI Warns Of 'Imminent Terror Attack' Due To Influx Of Illegals

 The FBI has issued a chilling warning about an 'imminent terror attack' on U.S. soil that will arise due to the influx of illegals pouring through the southern border.

According to an ABC News bulletin, U.S. intelligence officials are warning that "Radicals in the US might respond to ISIS calls for similar attacks in the wake of last month's deadly terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow." reports: The bulletin said "Lone wolves" might be compelled to attack public venues following the attack at a popular concert hall complex near Moscow last month.

The hearing last month with Wray emphasized how the nation is more vulnerable than ever because open southern borders have allowed bad actors to infiltrate deep within the borders under the guise of 'migrants.

In late March, Sen. Marco Rubio, the vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, warned ABC's "This Week" that human smuggling group with reported ties to ISIS will "Most certainly use to move operatives into the United States."

Just days ago, a US counter-terrorism official told the New York Post that ISIS-K terrorists are growing "Bolder," and its members could be preparing to flood the nation through the southern border.

The source warned: "An attack on US soil is definitely a possibility."

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