Saturday, July 8, 2023

Rand Paul To RINO Colleague Lindsey Graham Who Wants Ukraine In NATO: "Absolutely Not"

  The Biden-Harris regime and NATO had told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that they were not going to let them into the alliance, but that he needed to keep that information secret.

Russia, thinking NATO was going to bring in Ukraine, invaded.

Now, the UniParty Swamp has changed its tune, and RINO NeoCon Senator Lindsey Graham is leading the charge to pop Ukraine into NATO. As he posted on Twitter:

I will be working with Republicans and Democrats in the Senate to pass a resolution urging the admission of Ukraine into NATO. The best way to prevent future wars and promote peace is to create security guarantees that make aggressor nations think twice before starting wars.

Ukrainian NATO membership is vital to the future security of Europe and the world.

No, adding Ukraine will NOT prevent future wars nor will it promote peace.

No, aggressor nations will not think twice before starting wars because NATO has demonstrated it isn't nearly as strong as it has pretended to be for years.

No, Ukrainian NATO membership is not vital to future security of the Europe and the world.

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