Saturday, July 8, 2023

Biden’s DOJ Has Already Spent $10M Pursuing Trump.

 Expenditure statements released Friday show Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) spending at least $9,228,579 dollars in the multiple prosecutions against former President Donald J. Trump, specifically in the two investigations being pursued by the foreign-dwelling Jack Smith, who is married to Michelle Obama’s documentarian.

Around $5,428,579 has been spent so far for “permanent indefinite funding” between November 18th 2022, and March 31st 2023. This includes $2.6 million for personnel and benefits, and around $1.8 million for litigation and tech support.

CBS News reports that “another $3.8 million was spent on FBI and U.S. Marshal Service personnel connected to the two Smith probes for investigative matters and protective details.”

Biden’s DOJ has even spent a whopping $150,230 on travel related to the investigations against Trump.

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