Monday, July 10, 2023

'Mysterious' Investors Buy $1 Billion In Land Near Key US Air Base, Officials Can't Figure Out Who They Are

 Government officials are investigating nearly $1 billion in land purchases near Travis Air Force Base in California due to concerns of possible foreign influence that led to an Air Force Foreign Investment Risk Review Office's probe.

At the center of the probe is "Flannery Associates," a "Mysterious" investor group that has acquired nearly 52,000 acres of agricultural land in the state in the last five years to become the largest landowner in California's Solano County, according to county officials and public records, as first reported by The Wall Street Journal on Friday.

I don't see where that land can turn a profit to make it worth almost a billion dollars in investment.

The base commander and other officers "Are aware of the multiple land purchases near the base and are actively working internally and externally with other agencies," a spokesperson told the WSJ. Flannery has offered various explanations for its purchases over time.

So why China has continued to acquire U.S. land at a record clip raises the musical question: Why in the hell is a communist dictatorship, whose stated goal is world domination, allowed to buy anything in the U.S., let alone massive parcels of farmland? While I can't prove China is involved in this particular deal, it's completely reasonable to investigate whether it is.

Where are the biofuels? I'm far from a conspiracy loon, but questions like these, and larger questions about massive land purchases near sensitive government facilities, should not only be answered; they should also be disallowed.

Hell, maybe we'll get a clue of who's behind the Travis Air Base deal and why if a "Harmless weather balloon" is suddenly launched from the "Mysteriously purchased" land. 

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