Monday, July 10, 2023

Documents Provide Rare Glimpse Into How Arabella Advisors Exerts Centralized Control Over a Vast Left-Wing Advocacy Network

 The agency challenged New Venture Fund when it first applied for that status in 2006, over its obvious conflicts of interest with Arabella.

At the time, Arabella founder and sole owner Eric Kessler served as both New Venture Fund's chairman and president, and the New Venture Fund proposed paying Arabella a 5 percent overhead fee to handle administrative tasks.

What is true for the Student Experience Research Network is also true for hundreds of other activist groups, including Stop Deficit Squawks, Americans for Tax Fairness, the Institute for Responsive Government, Defend American Democracy, Fix our Senate, the Voter Engagement Fund, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, and hundreds of other groups-they are controlled by the Democratic elites who staff Arabella Advisors.

"If the New Venture Fund anticipated their agreement with Arabella Advisors to only be temporary when seeking a tax exemption, why has this arrangement continued for nearly two decades?" said Americans for Public Trust executive director Caitlin Sutherland.

The New Venture Fund's employee handbook, obtained by the Free Beacon, paints a different picture of centralized control.

IRS does not require New Venture Fund to report how many pop-up groups operate under its wings, let alone the names of the groups or how many of its employees work at each initiative.

The benefits of Arabella's centralized control over the network are made clear to New Venture Fund employees.

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