Friday, July 7, 2023

Missouri V. Biden Judge Checks Gov't Power Because Media Won't

 The Censorship-Industrial Complex sees Americans and Americans' speech as squarely within its purview when it comes to fighting supposed mis- or disinformation, Tuesday's opinion in Missouri v. Biden revealed.

Americans dedicated to our constitutional republic celebrated Independence Day with some icing on the cake when news broke that a federal court had enjoined large swaths of the Biden administration from coordinating with social media companies to censor speech.

Presiding Judge Terry Doughty's lengthy opinion proved a veritable treasure trove of details of the behind-the-scenes efforts by our government to silence dissenting voices.

The answer is simple, and Judge Doughty put it simply: The Government "Does not have the right to determine the truth."

"While not admitting any fault in the suppression of free speech," the federal judge wrote in his Independence Day opinion, "Defendants blame the Russians, COVID-19, and capitalism for any suppression of free speech by social-media companies." From the government's perspective, the court explained, it was merely "Promot[ing] necessary and responsible actions to protect public health, safety, and security when confronted by a deadly pandemic and hostile foreign assaults on critical election infrastructure."

Corporate media excusing the government's censorship is just as outrageous because, without the check on government provided by a free and open press, those silenced will be left with an insufficient remedy - a belated declaration that the government has violated its citizens' constitutional rights and an injunction barring a repeat of the censorship.

The corrupt media refusing to condemn the Biden administration's censorship efforts has only emboldened the government, as seen by its immediate filing of its notice of appeal.

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