Friday, July 7, 2023

Modern Transgenderism Is A Bastard Child Of Colliding Evils

Gender Dysphoria, the psychiatric term recognized in the American DSM and widely used until only very recently, understood "Transgender" delusions, like being "Trapped" in the "Wrong" body, to be a gender confusion, and demonstrative of severe mental illness.

All over the country, teachers and school leaders grant superior privacy rights to children instead of parents.

Even worse, teachers and schools take it upon themselves to attempt to arrange secret treatments, from therapy to gender reassignment, without a parent's approval.

Did you know that withholding gender reassignment in some jurisdictions is considered child abuse?

Every parent knows that children with all types of crazy ideas may not think clearly until their brains are fully formed as late as their mid-20s. That's pretty much-settled science.

Why in the world would we be mutilating healthy human beings on what amounts to a whim or, even worsea political statement? Is it any wonder that more than a few children regret their "Transition" with some even committing suicide?

Once again, this failing of modern journalism delights in reporting the strangest of human preoccupations, giving legitimate status when the science is not proven or, even worse, when real science is ignored in favor of pop science.  

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