An official mental health app in California, named "Soluna," is being criticized for promoting controversial themes related to the occult, homosexuality, and sexual behaviors among children. The program, claimed to aid teens in managing their emotions and boosting their self-esteem, contains pagan elements such as Tarot cards and references to channeling a "high priestess. " Lessons encourage children to embrace these themes and even suggest they can "create [their] own reality" by casting spells.
One lesson discusses a narrative between an immigrant parent and her queer child, challenging traditional cultural values and presenting homosexuality as a fixed characteristic. Another part of the app instructs children about "physical intimacy," suggesting casual relationships and questioning the value of monogamy, as long as consent is present.
The app also distorts traditional cultural narratives, such as the story of Thanksgiving, misrepresenting it as a reflection of cultural oppression rather than a moment of fellowship between Native Americans and European settlers. The lessons appear to undermine biblical tenets, promoting notions of self-worth without acknowledgment of the need for repentance or a savior.
Critics, including educator Brenda Lebsack, argue that the content is inappropriate and goes against Judeo-Christian values, claiming that these mental health hotlines are being turned into tools of indoctrination. They express concern that children are being encouraged to engage in discussions about gender and sexual orientation with unverified adults, which could be harmful.
Further, programs like Trevor Space are cited as promoting radical LGBT ideology and various non-traditional identities, funded by taxpayer money through California state initiatives. The California Department of Health Care Services promotes these programs as part of a significant investment in youth behavioral health, yet many believe they fail to address the real mental health crisis faced by the youth today.
Recent data shows that a concerning number of high school girls are contemplating suicide, leading critics to argue that the indoctrination and propaganda further exacerbate their struggles instead of providing genuine support. They call for an end to what they perceive as a harmful agenda against children and taxpayers.
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