The US presidential election has been rigged to ensure the people do not choose the president, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who has painstakingly compiled a 4,000 page report forensically detailing the crimes of the US Deep State and globalist elites.
According to Putin, the global elite believe the consequences of the US election are far too important to allow the American people to decide the outcome, and the 4,000 page report lists Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and George and Alex Soros as co-conspirators in the plot against the USA. Putin has patiently gathered evidence, but according to Russian sources, he now believes the moment has arrived to expose the globalist deception and enlighten the public about the elite's true agenda.
According to Putin, the US election has been rigged and the global elite left their fingerprints all over the crime scene.
Earlier this year, white hat hackers found vulnerabilities in voting machines used in US elections, but the authorities said there is not enough time before the election to do anything about it.
Obviously the Democrats responsible for maintaining the roll of 320,000 "Ghost voters" actively registered to vote in November's election in must-win Michigan, Detroit could not possibly be engaging in voter fraud.
Ghost voters are shadows who linger on voter rolls after their real inhabitants have either died or moved interstate.
Without voter ID, anybody can show up and vote as a ghost voter - once, twice, or 320,000 times.
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