The Democrat Nevada Supreme Court ruled contrary to law that non-postmarked ballots that arrive 3 days after the election can be counted.
Democrat federal district courts required the state of Virginia to restore non-US citizens to its voter rolls.
The Democrat Department of Justice required the state of Alabama to have non-US citizens on the state's voter rolls.
The Democrat Pennsylvania supreme court illegally ruled that improperly cast mail-in ballots can be counted.
Democrat states legalized street corner drop-in ballot boxes that permit anonymous individuals to stuff with fraudulent votes that the Democrats have ruled must be counted.
O'Keefe Media Group reports that in totally corrupt Maricopa County, Arizona, Democrat election officials instructed poll watchers not to interfere with illegal ballot harvesting or to report any voting irregularities.
If these reported figures are correct and representative of the campaign, it means that American money is aligned with the revolutionary Democrat Party which intends to overthrow the Constitution and citizen rule.
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