Most importantly, do they explain the views of their candidate and their policies? Or, do they simply seek to manipulate voters into believing something that's not true? The Kamala Harris campaign has actually gone one step further in the past month with a bizarre series of ads that, when examined altogether, showcase an ideological degeneracy that appeals to the worst in humanity.
In her most recent campaign, Harris ads attempt to sow discord among married couples, suggesting that women should hide their political views from their husbands and vote for Harris without them knowing.
If a woman or a minority votes conservative, Democrats assert that it's because they've been brainwashed into it.
The ad itself is far creepier than the Republican it tried to lampoon, insinuating that masturbation is on the ballot and that this is something the average male voter should be focused on.
Sticking with the theme of sexual gratification, let's not forget this little gem of an ad which features a black man trying to match with women on a fake dating show, only to be denied by all of them because he says he's not voting.
The message? Vote for Harris or you won't get laid.
The marketing is also aimed at women, much like the voting in secret ad, teaching them to treat men like the enemy unless those men vote Democrat.
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