Surface ocean temperatures are plunging rapidly around the world with scientists reported to be puzzled at the speed of the recent decline.
For almost two years, this boiling ocean trope has been a reliable standby for every alarmist spiv promoting the Net Zero insanity.
Plebs flying to Benidorm for an annual holiday and causing ‘global heating’ was a favourite explanation, although mainstream media put it in marginally more polite terms.
Until recently, the surface sea temperature (SST) graph below showing measurements up the Arctic and down to Antarctica was rarely out of the public prints.
But expect the scare to be parked for a while along with coral reefs, polar bears and Arctic sea ice.
Less puzzlement was to be found when the oceans were ‘boiling’ during the last two years.
Last August she claimed that while scientists have known that the sea surface would continue to warm up because of greenhouse gas emissions, “they are still investigating exactly why temperatures have surged so far above previous years”.
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